About Me
Bharat Mani Jangam is actually the full name of Bharat Jungam. He was born in 25th Nov. 1947 in an historically and architecturally renowned city called in Bhaktapur of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. He had started writing literary works since his childhood. At the age of 15, his poems were published in the local literary magazine for the first time and gradually stories, essays etc. were published.
He graduated from the Tribhuvan University and after his studies, in 1970 he himself exposed as a journalist in Nepalese society.
In 1979, he made a sensation in the country releasing his first novel ‘KALO SURYA’ (The Black Sun). Though the country was ruled by the corrupted people of the Partyless Panchayat System when writing against the system was a big crime, he fearlessly released his book which explains the exploitation and suppression from the so-called rulers of that system. This book gained popularity in a very short time among the Nepalese Readers and to make it acquainted with the foreign readers. It was translated into English Language in 1990 and came into the world market in the name of ‘THE BLACK SUN’. Later in 1992 it was translated into Russian and Chinese Language and 1993, it came out in the market in Hindi Language with the name ‘KALA SURAJ’. Thus it was again published in Bangla and Urdu languages form Bangladesh and Assami and Kanada languages from India.
His next novel, ‘BYUHA CHAKRA’ (The Vicious Circle) was written in 1984. He has given a transparent view of the aristocratic rulers, nonpolitical system and has pointed out its weaknesses. This book is mainly based on the monstrous circles of all kinds of corruption caused by the ruthless rulers of the partyless Panchayat System that crumbled during recent Democratic Uprising. The novel became very popular in the country and was later translated into English and Hindi Languages in India.
He was also an Editor and Publisher of the weekly newspaper ‘NEPAL AWAZ’ for 3 years form 1988 and made great contribution in the development and stability of the democracy in the country through Journalism. He was also a regular columnist on political situation in Nepal and later it was consolidate in a book and was released in the name of ‘PACHAS PRASANG’
In 1993, he released another novel ‘RATO GHAM’ (The Red Sun), and unique novel whose story surrounds in the socio-economic problems in Greater China after 1949′s great revolution and after the implementation of Mao-Tse-Tungs’s neo-proletarian thoughts. It also focuses on the pitiable condition of the Tibetan people after the invasion of the Tib et and exposes the Human Rights Violation. In this book , Mr. Jangam has indirectly called for the liberation of 1.5 billion people of China who has been suppressed by the Communist Regime. He has given his views that any decision that is made by human mind is not, and cannot be, final. Human being keeps willing to change at every pace. Human mind keeps itself suffering, being tortured and wasting in the process of attaining the novelty. Life means ‘living’. It’s bound by time limit. Because of this limiting factor of the living, there is a multitude of hopes and desires after which human beings find themselves hankering, and this is the fountain-head form which springs the temptation for the novelty.
Being a Nepali by origin, he has succeeded to narrate the ins and outs of present China which until very recently, was closed for the foreigners and is successful in letting us know-how China looks outside its peripheral and what actually China is and is Communism really good for the nation and its people ? After receiving commendation and popularity from all circles of intellectuals, it was translated into English and Hindi Language in the same year in India.
In the conclusion, we are proud to say that a humanist at heart, Mr. Jangam wields his pen with revolutionary zeal and for democratic rights and human values, he is extremely dedicated.
He graduated from the Tribhuvan University and after his studies, in 1970 he himself exposed as a journalist in Nepalese society.
In 1979, he made a sensation in the country releasing his first novel ‘KALO SURYA’ (The Black Sun). Though the country was ruled by the corrupted people of the Partyless Panchayat System when writing against the system was a big crime, he fearlessly released his book which explains the exploitation and suppression from the so-called rulers of that system. This book gained popularity in a very short time among the Nepalese Readers and to make it acquainted with the foreign readers. It was translated into English Language in 1990 and came into the world market in the name of ‘THE BLACK SUN’. Later in 1992 it was translated into Russian and Chinese Language and 1993, it came out in the market in Hindi Language with the name ‘KALA SURAJ’. Thus it was again published in Bangla and Urdu languages form Bangladesh and Assami and Kanada languages from India.
His next novel, ‘BYUHA CHAKRA’ (The Vicious Circle) was written in 1984. He has given a transparent view of the aristocratic rulers, nonpolitical system and has pointed out its weaknesses. This book is mainly based on the monstrous circles of all kinds of corruption caused by the ruthless rulers of the partyless Panchayat System that crumbled during recent Democratic Uprising. The novel became very popular in the country and was later translated into English and Hindi Languages in India.
He was also an Editor and Publisher of the weekly newspaper ‘NEPAL AWAZ’ for 3 years form 1988 and made great contribution in the development and stability of the democracy in the country through Journalism. He was also a regular columnist on political situation in Nepal and later it was consolidate in a book and was released in the name of ‘PACHAS PRASANG’
In 1993, he released another novel ‘RATO GHAM’ (The Red Sun), and unique novel whose story surrounds in the socio-economic problems in Greater China after 1949′s great revolution and after the implementation of Mao-Tse-Tungs’s neo-proletarian thoughts. It also focuses on the pitiable condition of the Tibetan people after the invasion of the Tib et and exposes the Human Rights Violation. In this book , Mr. Jangam has indirectly called for the liberation of 1.5 billion people of China who has been suppressed by the Communist Regime. He has given his views that any decision that is made by human mind is not, and cannot be, final. Human being keeps willing to change at every pace. Human mind keeps itself suffering, being tortured and wasting in the process of attaining the novelty. Life means ‘living’. It’s bound by time limit. Because of this limiting factor of the living, there is a multitude of hopes and desires after which human beings find themselves hankering, and this is the fountain-head form which springs the temptation for the novelty.
Being a Nepali by origin, he has succeeded to narrate the ins and outs of present China which until very recently, was closed for the foreigners and is successful in letting us know-how China looks outside its peripheral and what actually China is and is Communism really good for the nation and its people ? After receiving commendation and popularity from all circles of intellectuals, it was translated into English and Hindi Language in the same year in India.
In the conclusion, we are proud to say that a humanist at heart, Mr. Jangam wields his pen with revolutionary zeal and for democratic rights and human values, he is extremely dedicated.