Brief Biography
- 1947: Born in ancient city Bhaktapur to father Govinda Hari Jangam and mother Indra Kumari Jangam
- 1960: Starting of writing poems and stories.
- 1961: Establishment of small local library in Bhaktapur for local students.
- 1963: The above local library was moved to Baneswor, Kathmandu and given name ‘Bhimsen Gola Pustakalaya’.
- 1970: After taking education he exposed himself as a Journalist and introduced himself as a regular columnist. He has taken part actively in various social clubs and youth organizations. He is a chartered member of Lion’s International Club, life member of Red-Cross Society and many other local social organizations. Also, he leads the Independent Thinking Forum as President and is a member of Pen International.
- 1979: Publication of ‘KALO SURYA’ (The Black Sun) in Neipali. Till 2021 translated and published 14 different languages.
- 1984: Publication of ‘BYUHA CHAKRA’ (A Vicious Circle)
- 1988: As an editor and publisher of weekly newspaper ‘NEPALI AWAZ
- 1989: Nominated as President of Lions Club, Kathmandu Valley.
- 1992: Publication of ‘PACHAS PRASANG’ (a collection of political comments)
- 1993: Publication of ‘RATO GHAM’ (The Red Sun)
- 1993: Publication of ‘Nepali Congress Ko Samanya Gyan’ (A book of general knowledge of Nepali Congress Party)
- 1996: Started Anti-corruption movement.
- 1999: Started Interaction program in collages and University to develop a new subject ‘Science of Anti-corruption’
- 2001: A PIL was filed against the government for imitating Institutional corruption which involved pension for members of parliament. The court verdict come in his favour to stop the MP pension, which is saving around millions o rupees of Nepal Government.
- 2002: A PIL was filed against the government for issuing an amount as ‘Constituency Development Fund’. The court verdict come in his favour to stop this, which is saving millions of rupees of Nepal Government.
- Appointed ‘Chief Administrator’ for Narayani and Bagmati Zone by His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.
- 2004: Publication of ‘bhrastachar: Baicharik Andolan’.
- 2005: A book named ‘Bharat Jangam: Baichar tatha Dristikod’ was published. It is a completion of a articles and interviews of Bharat Jangam.
- 2007: An Epic ‘Bharatendu’ was authored by Poet Yagyabalkya in his honor.
- 2007: A public honour program was held on the occasion on Mr. Bharat Jangam’s 60th birthday and a book of 980 pages named ‘Kaljaye Bektitwo Bharat Jangam’ honoring him was published.
- 2008: Published Novel ‘Khopedesh’.
- 2009 to 2012: Multiple PIL was filed for the Pashupatinath temple issues against the Government. The decision was done in his favour by court stopping the government to open the ‘Mul Dhukuti’ of the temple, to remove the ‘Christians’ Graveyard from Pashupatinath area, and reinstating the traditional practice of priesthood from South India.
- 2009- 2021: Guardianship of Temples:
As a chief patron of Doleshwor Mahadev Temple (Upper part of Kedarnath Temple), chief advisor of Pashupatinath volunteer union, chief patron of AnantaLingeshwor Mahadev Temple, Bageshwori and Saraswati Holy Land, Bharat Jangam has contributed a lot for the development of religious shrines of Nepal. - 2011: Published ‘Collection of Poems’ named ‘Chhachalkiyeka Rahar Haru’
- 2011: Started Nationwide movement from Mechi to Mahakali for awerness among general public about ways to tackle corruption issue.
- 2012: Published ‘Collection of Short Stories’ named ‘Nirbandha Bandhan’.
- 2012: A PIL case was filed to end the timeline of first constituent Assembly of Nepal which ran from May 28 20087 to May 28 2012. A court verdict was given on his favour by dissolving the first constituent assembly and ordering for election for the second constituent assembly.
- 2012: A PIL was filed against the act of handing over the public and Guthi property in lease, By the court order, a high-level corruption has ended.
- 2013: A PIL was filed against the Government to stop the benefits for ex-dignitaries. It was saved 50 crore rupees annually of Government of Nepal.
- 2015: A book named ‘The thoughts of Bharat Jangam’ was published. It is a compilation of articles by Bharat Jangam.
- 2015-2018: Various episodes of the popular Television program ‘The Black Sun’ was broadcasted. This Television program has proudly been accepted by government body, corporations and other organizations.
- 2016: Authored ‘Anti-corruptology’ which is science of anti-corruption. It is registered in Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA.
- 2020: Approval from Tribhuwan University for the course ‘Governance and Anticorruption Studies’ for the Masters Degree, classes to begin from 2021. The curriculum finalization, initiation was done by Bharat Jangam.
- 2021: Approval from Nepal Open University (NOU) for the course “Anti-corruption Studies” for the Master’s Degree.
- 2021: Published Book on history named ‘Nepalko Itihasma Raheko Bhram Tatha Nirakaran’.
- 1975: Married to Indira KC of Dillibazar.
- 1976: Daughter Pragya Jangam was born.
- 1978: Daughter Rakshya Jangam was born.
- 1979: Son Anup Jangam was born.
- Life member of International Children Organization
- Life member of Red Cross Society of Nepal
- Active Lions of Lions Club District 325 Nepal
- President of The Forum of Independent Thinking
- Member of Pen International
- Life member of Nepal Literary and Journalist Association